Brexit is probably the biggest disruptive force that the British economy and its businesses have faced in decades. Some of the biggest industries in the country are now scrambling to ensure that their businesses suffer the least losses when the United Kingdom eventually exits the European Union and in that regard, the car manufacturing industry is going ahead with its plans to shut down plants for a short period during this vital time. Jaguar Land Rover, which is the biggest car market in one of the country’s biggest industries, has decided to go ahead with the scheduled five-day shutdown of its factories in the country. This move is aimed at avoiding any kind of disruption to the car making the process as the week could prove to be a true path-breaking one for the political establishment in the UK and the sort of Brexit deal that the country is going to get.
However, JLR is not the only car manufacturer that is going to shut down its operations this week. Many other major car makers are also going to shut down their factories, and it is going to be a period during which one of the country’s biggest industries is going to bring production to a screeching halt. This sort of plan was always on the cards and had been decided upon by most of the leading car manufacturers. It was planned when the original exit deadline was the 29th of March, but now that it has now been extended to the 12th of April, the major car makers are adhering to their original plans.
The British Prime Minister Theresa May has repeatedly failed to push her Brexit deal through the parliament and until now, she has lost the voting by big margins. However, this week is going to be a frenetic one as Britain finally decides on the best way of making their exit from the EU. That being said, the possibility of a ‘no deal’ Brexit is not completely out of the question and if that happens, then businesses in the country are going to be in for a very hard time. The economy will almost certainly be cratered as well, and experts expect that there is going to be widespread chaos. The car manufacturing industry is one of the most prosperous in the country and remains one of the biggest employers.